What is Forgiveness ~ Guidance Scribed by Sun~Rose

Guidance from Elder Brother
as Received and Transcribed by Sun~Rose*

“I was in prison and you came to me.”

TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: The Course text is in bold face. The Guidance is in normal type In His Guidance, He has asked Me to capitalize the pronouns You and We as an acknowledgement of the Divinity of All of Us, an acknowledgement of Equality, an expression of His Love and respect for You. When You see the word ‘YOU’ capitalized in the Guidance, know that He is not just speaking to YOU, He is honoring YOU.

What is Forgiveness


What an awesome question! I know I’m going to be told there’s nothing to forgive! This is but a dream, although it seems real.

1 Forgiveness recognizes what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred. You’re only dreaming! Stop gnashing Your teeth! That is the good news! In fact, all the news I am giving You is Good! Stop resisting it dear Sisters and dear Brothers. For it means Your sins also are unreal, and not just Your Brother’s! It does not pardon sins and make them real. It sees there was no sin. This is but a dream! Albeit, no matter how convincing it does seem You. And in this view are all your sins forgiven. Every one of them; even the worst of them that You’d thought were unforgiveable. What is sin except a false idea about God’s Son? You’ve forgotten Who You are, Belovèd. Forgiveness merely sees its falsity and therefore lets it go. It will help to stop believing in the dream. Right now, perhaps! What then is free to take its place is now the Will of God: grand Reality.

2 An unforgiving thought is one which makes a judgment that it will not raise to doubt, although it is not true. The judger does believe the dream is real; oh so very real. The mind is closed and will not be released. The ego is both prison and jailer.The thought protects projection, tightening its chains so that distortions are more veiled and more obscure, less easily accessible to doubt, and further kept from reason. The ego mind holds tight to its own very ‘loved’ ‘creation’What can come between a fixed projection and the aim that it has chosen as its needed goal? Projection is deliberate; it must protect the ego. That’s its only job.

3 An unforgiving thought does many things. To nurse its fantasy and keep it ‘real’. In frantic action, it pursues its goal, – let’s say doggedly – twisting and overturning what it sees as interfering with its chosen path. Its one ‘god’ is self. Distortion is its purpose and the means by which it would accomplish it as well. It sets about its furious attempts to smash reality, without concern for anything that would appear to pose a contradiction to its point of view. It cannot afford to have You know what’s real. That would be its death knoll. We could say knell if You prefer. Either way, the ego just must be right!

4 Forgiveness, on the other hand, is still and quietly does nothing. For Love needs not to do, but simply Be. Let’s let Love be free to create miracles for You and Me. It offends no aspect of reality nor seeks to twist it to appearance that it likes. For all things look like Love to Its Vision. It merely looks and waits and judges not. He who would not forgive must judge, for he must justify his failure to forgive. Don’t let this line just slip on by You; make sure to give credence to it, for it is extremely crucial.But he who would forgive himself must learn to welcome truth exactly as it is. For heeding it will most surely heal You.

5 Do nothing, then, and let forgiveness show you what to do through Him Who is your Guide, your Savior and Defender, strong in hope, and certain of your ultimate success. His Voice will lead You very carefully, that You not stumble. He has forgiven you already, for such is His function given Him by God. Now must you share His function and forgive whom He has saved, whose sinlessness He sees, and whom He honors as the Son of God. You and Your Others, every single extremely precious One.


[Thank you Dear Brother]

*Sun~Rose is the scribe of the recently published book,“YOU ARE LOVED AND SAFE: PREP NOTES FOR EXPERIENCING GOD’S LOVE“, Jesus’ Guidance on the Miracle Principles


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