Lesson 111-120 Review III ~ Guidance Scribed by Sun~Rose

Guidance from Elder Brother
as Received and Transcribed by Sun~Rose*



TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: The Course text is in bold face. The Guidance is in normal type In His Guidance, He has asked Me to capitalize the pronouns You and We as an acknowledgement of the Divinity of All of Us, an acknowledgement of Equality, an expression of His Love and respect for You. When You see the word ‘YOU’ capitalized in the Guidance, know that He is not just speaking to YOU, He is honoring YOU.

Review III

1 Our third review begins today.

The greater turmoil in the world, the faster fly the days. This is but avoidance. Yet if You would be good enough to get still and pay attention, You would see that You are doing nothing but going round and round in circles.

We will review two of the last 20 ideas each day until we have reviewed them all. We will observe a special format for these practice periods which you are urged to follow as closely as you can. We understand, of course, that it may be impossible for you to undertake what is suggested here as optimal each day and every hour of the day.

If You can, that would be optimal, so at least come as close as is possible!

2 Learning will not be hampered when you miss a practice period because it is impossible at the appointed time. Nor is it necessary that you make excessive efforts to be sure that you catch up in terms of numbers. Rituals are not our aim and would defeat our learning goal.

Your willingness, of course, is optimal. ‘Forgetting’ is another way – perceived by You to be acceptable – of Your blatant refusal of being Guided, twenty-four, seven.

So You can ‘forget’ …

3 But learning will be hampered when you skip a practice period because you are unwilling to devote the time to it which you are asked to give. Do not deceive yourself in this.

Please look at what You’re doing honestly.

Unwillingness can be most carefully concealed behind a cloak of situations you cannot control. Learn to distinguish situations which are poorly suited to your practicing from those which you establish to uphold a camouflage for your unwillingness.

Who’s writing the script?  Next question is “Why?” What are You getting from this resistance?  Oh, yes! To authorize Yourself.  To make You the captain of Your ship; to keep You forever dreaming.

4 Those practice periods which you have lost because you did not want to do them for whatever reason should be done as soon as you have changed your mind about your goal. You are unwilling to cooperate in practicing salvation only if it interferes with goals you hold more dear.

I know it seems like You’re just too busy, or else You are oblivious. But when You really want something, would You not be sure to remember?  You know that You would! And, yes, the ego has more sway over all of You than You currently believe. Never underestimate the ego, despite its blatant unreality. Its goals are not Yours.

When you withdraw the value given them, allow your practice periods to be replacements for your litanies to them. They gave you nothing. But your practice periods offer you everything. Accept their offering and be at peace.

For all the words I use, the message here is very simple: Be here for giving; and not for getting! What is the Gift We are to give, but Love.

5 The format you should use for these reviews is this: devote five minutes twice a day or longer if you would prefer to contemplating the ideas assigned. Read over the ideas and comments which are written first in each day’s exercises. Then begin to think about them quietly, letting your mind relate them to your needs, your seeming problems, and all your concerns. 

Look upon Your work with these Lessons as oases in the enormous desert of the dream of being so-called ‘human’.

Would You be a ‘human’ if Christ called to You and said: Brothers, Sisters, choose again! Why would You pretend to be what You’re not?

6 Place the ideas within your mind, and let it use them as it chooses. Give it faith that it will use them wisely, being helped in its decisions by the One Who gave the thoughts to you.

For they have been structured lovingly for every One of You.

What can you trust but what is in your mind?

All that You can control is Your thinking.  For thinking does govern all Your actions.

Have faith, in these reviews, the means the Holy Spirit uses will not fail.

How could it be when S/He comes straight from God, direct to Your mind.

The wisdom of your mind will come to your assistance. Give it direction at the start, then lean back in quiet faith, and let it use the ideas you have given it as they were given you.

Books that teach God’s healing pour forth from Him.

7 You have been given them in perfect trust, in perfect confidence that you would use them well, in perfect faith that you would understand their messages and use them for yourself.

If You have not yet understood, today can be the day of Your understanding. A resurrection of the Son of God from eons of thinking S/He is ‘human’.

Offer them to your mind in that same trust and confidence and faith. It will not fail. It is the Holy Spirit’s chosen means for your salvation. And with His trust merits yours as well.

Remember that the Holy Spirit really is You. Truth now and Truth forever.

8 We emphasize the benefits to you if you devote the first five minutes of the day to your review and also give the last five minutes of your waking day to it. If this cannot be done, at least try to divide them so you undertake one in the morning, and the other in the hour just before you go to sleep.

To begin rightly and end rightly is natural to You.

9 The exercises to be done throughout the day are equally important and perhaps of even greater value. You have been inclined to do the exercises and then go on to other things, without applying what you learned to them. As a result, your learning has had little reinforcement, and you have not given it the opportunity to prove its worth to you.

Thus the necessity of speaking on these Lessons further.

10 Here is another chance to use it well. In these reviews we stress the need to let your learning not lie idly by between your longer practice periods. Attempt to give your daily two ideas a brief but serious review each hour. Use one on the hour and the other one a half an hour later. You need not give more than just a moment to each one.

The greatest benefit is Your willingness to be obedient to God’s Gifts.

11 Repeat it, and allow your mind to rest a little time in silence and in peace. Then turn to other things, but try to keep the thought with you and let it serve to help you keep your peace throughout the day. If you are shaken, think of it again. These practice periods are planned to help you form the habit of applying what you learn each day to everything you do.

The Course is not a religion but a lovely and efficient way to eternal Life, right now here!

12 Do not repeat it and then lay it down.

This is not rote memory, but is living, breathing Scripture, and – like Science and Health – it is intended for Your healing.

Its usefulness is limitless to you.

The Truth You’re being given has no boundaries, no limits.

And it is meant to serve you in all ways, all times and places, and whenever you need help of any kind. Try, then, to take it with you in the business of the day and make it holy, worthy of God’s Son, acceptable to God and to your Self. 

Let It become a living Thing as You!

13 Each day’s review assignment will conclude with a restatement of the thought to use each hour and the one to be applied on each half hour as well. Forget them not. This second chance with each of these ideas will bring such large advances that we come from these reviews with learning gains so great that we begin again on solid ground. 

Carpe diem1 for this most happy, holy activity!

14 Do not forget how little you have learned. Do not forget how much you can learn now. Do not forget your Father’s need of you as you review these thoughts He gave to you.

Do this for Yourself, and for Your Others. For We All are One.


1Seize the day (in Latin). Grab hold of it and Love it, share it!

[Thank you Dear Brother]

*Sun~Rose is the scribe of the recently published book,“YOU ARE LOVED AND SAFE: PREP NOTES FOR EXPERIENCING GOD’S LOVE“, Jesus’ Guidance on the Miracle Principles


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